
Подарки на День влюбленных и 8 марта!


Сделайте прекрасный и эксклюзивный подарок своим близким и любимым. Картины по демократичным ценам к празднику всех влюбленных и 8 марта!

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Картина или постер? Что выбрать для интерьера гостиной?

An example of placing a surreal picture in the interior

Современный рынок изобилует предложениями для декора интерьера разных форм, расцветок и материалов. Картины, постеры, декоративные панно…И основная проблема покупателя-что выбрать?
Постер современен, как правило, недорог. Их можно купить в любом размере и исполнении. Современная печать на холсте позволяет достичь почти полного ощущения реальной живописи. И для многих это решение вполне оправдано. Покупатель приобретает модный акцент в современном интерьере по сравнительно небольшой цене.
Картина маслом, написанная рукой художника, в свою очередь, несет определенную энергетику. И это ощущается сразу. Картина живет, дышит. Краски на полотне вибрируют и перетекают одна в другую. Ощущается текстура, виден стиль мастера.
Кроме функции украшения интерьера, такая картина вполне может оказаться неплохой инвестицией. Работы профессионального художника,как правило,со временем только растут в цене.

Painting or poster. What to choose for a living room interior?

The poster is modern, as a rule, inexpensive. They can be bought in any size and design. Modern print on canvas allows you to achieve an almost complete sensation of real painting.

Italian street

The modern market is replete with offers for interior decoration of various shapes, colors and materials. And the main problem of the buyer is what to choose?
The poster is modern, as a rule, inexpensive. They can be bought in any size and design. Modern print on canvas allows you to achieve an almost complete sensation of real painting. And for many, this decision is justified. The buyer acquires a fashionable accent in a modern interior at a relatively low price.

still life with pears

An oil painting, painted by the artist’s hand, in turn, carries a certain energy. And it is felt right away. The picture lives, breathes. Paints on the canvas vibrate and flow one into another. The texture is felt, the style of the master is visible.
In addition to the function of decorating the interior, such a picture may well turn out to be a good investment. The work of a professional artist, as a rule, only grows in price over time.

Text on Russian here==>

Сюрреалистическая живопись для современного интерьера

the style of surrealism
the style of surrealism

Из-за сложившихся стереотипов в оформлении интерьеров традиционно используются натюрморты и пейзажи. В последнее время абстрактные композиции и картины в стиле поп-арт стали очень популярны. Романтические картины в стиле импрессионизма заслуженно пользуются любовью коллекционеров в течение длительного времени.
Сюрреализм иногда трудно понять, он неожидан с точки зрения сюжета и цветовых комбинаций, поэтому любители живописи с осторожностью относятся к нему. И совершенно напрасно! В современном помещении с аскетичным и красочно грамотным дизайном такой холст станет отличным дополнением к дизайну интерьера. Это может быть наоборот с ярким цветовым и смысловым акцентом, притягивающим взгляд и завлекающим посетителя долгим созерцанием необычной картины.
Сюрреалистическая композиция в современном интересе офиса или гостиной подчеркнет широту взглядов и тонкий вкус владельца.

Surreal painting for contemporary interior

Due to prevailing stereotypes, still lifes and landscapes are traditionally used for interior decoration. Recently, abstract compositions and paintings in the style of pop art have been very popular. Romantic paintings in the style of impressionism deservedly enjoy the love of collectors for a long time.
Surrealism is sometimes difficult to perceive, it is unexpected in terms of plot and color combinations, so painting lovers are wary of it. And completely in vain! In a modern room with an ascetic and colorfully competent design, such a canvas will be a great addition to interior design. It can be vice versa with a bright color and semantic accent, attracting the eye and occupy the visitor with a long contemplation of an unusual picture.
The surreal composition in the modern interior of the office or the living room will emphasize by the breadth of views and the delicate taste of the owner.

Text on Russian

How to fit a classic still life into a modern interior?

classic still life into a modern interior
modern interior

Time inexorably moves forward, opening the world to new genres and directions of art. How to be those lovers of painting who get the most pleasure, contemplating carefully written realistic still lifes?
The phrase «classic is relevant at all times» is suitable in this situation more than ever. Realistic still life in natural colors suitable for almost any interior. As a rule, large living rooms decorate large living rooms or kitchen-dining rooms. Such a picture requires a space for contemplation, a solid frame in harmony with the canvas and the interior.

cappuccinoA small room can be decorated with a series of compact works. Very fashionable direction. Small paintings depicting a single object, fruit, vegetable or a cup of coffee, for example. Made in a related color scheme. Canvases have a gallery stretch or are decorated in a calm discreet frame. Easy to assemble in any order.
You can order a still life in the desired color scheme, the right size and with a certain design, based on the interior design in which it will be placed. An experienced artist will take into account all your wishes and paint a picture to order.

What is a triptych and how to use it in interior decoration?

What is a triptych and how to use it in interior decoration
What is a triptych and how to use it in interior decoration

A triptych in art oil painting is a painting consisting of three parts, united by a common idea. The triptych comes from the Greek word meaning «folded in three». Such paintings are widely used in interior decoration and can be of different sizes and formats.

Elements of one picture, spaced spatially help to combine the interior compositionally, to make the room design more harmonious and interesting. Buying a triptych and decorating it with the walls of one room or two neighboring ones is considered modern and fashionable.
Renaissance artists widely used triptychs in their work. Bosch, Memlis enriched the history of art with their famous similar canvases.
In this format, walls were decorated near the altar in European temples.
Such paintings can be performed in various genres. Still life, landscape, plot composition, surrealistic painting can be harmoniously executed on three separate canvases that make up a single composition.

Dogs are like humans, only better!

portrait of nice little puppy

Why did God create dogs? These shaggy, slobbery, molting beggars with wet noses and loving glimpse? I think that it is for understanding what true unconditional love is. Dogs can’t lie. They can be tricky, although they can’t do that well. If dogs are angry, they don’t put on a mask of decency, they don’t hide their feelings in the farthest corners of the soul. They get angry quite openly and without embarrassment. Dogs express their point of view by a growl and barking.
If they love, oooh! Save yourself, who can! It will be a flurry of feelings, a sea of ​​drooling, trampled feet, jeans smeared with dirty paws, a face washed by a dog’s tongue and a bunch of other no less pleasant attributes. But this will be a sincere manifestation of a true attitude to you. You should not doubt. Can these brown eyes framed by a white strip really fool anybody? This smiley mouth with a pink tongue on one side. Are these ears, paws and tail flying in different directions as helicopter?
And when you are sad and your soul suffer, who will quietly sigh nearby, glancing furtively? It lays down, puts its big head on his paws and become knowingly sad in unison, waiting for the owner to put his hand to pet the withers. Dog will lick the owner’s hand neatly as a sign of solidarity. There is no more understanding friend rather than a dog. Not!

Painting as a gift for an alone woman. How to choose?

painting for gift tangerines in a basket
tangerines in a basket oil painting

Any celebration is an exciting moment for both parties, as the hero of the occasion as the guest. If you want to please a dear person with an unusual gift, which, in addition to surprise, will cause pleasant emotions, then the picture is the best suited for such an exclusive surprise. To begin with, any painting by an artist is unique. It exists only in a single copy, and certainly no one else will have such a gift.

It is best to have at least minimal awareness of the tastes of a lovely lady. What she prefers: landscapes, still lifes, abstraction. A win-win option: flowers. Still life with a bouquet, an abstract floral arrangement or wild flowers will always be a wonderful addition to the interior. If you had ever been in her house, you should know which style is more harmonious with the design of the room. If you don’t know, you should take a classic still life with flowers in a realistic style. It is better to give preference to calm, pastel colors. It suits for almost any interior. If the picture does not have painted face ends, it is better to place it in a frame. Frame must be selected in appliance with the picture. It should be in harmony with the canvas, not overwhelming it, not clog with its flashy color or pattern. If you doubt, contact the baguette workshop manager. Surely a competent specialist will advise you a suitable frame. The gift is ready. A framed picture is ready to decorate the house of its lucky owner.

original text here==>

Abstract silence…

Abstract painting

I want to leave … Into silence … Into absolute peace .. To leave from pain, suffering, shattered hopes and unfulfilled desires … Want to leave quietly, creaking a little with old floorboards and quietly shutting the door behind you. Need to close it behind myself leaving everything it is meaningless there, beyond the threshold.
Go lightly, barefoot on the green grass, knocking down cool dew and scaring delicate butterflies. Wrapping up myself with the smell of the forest, glare of the sun on running water, birdsong … And to sit, hugging the knees, forever in this beautiful singing silence, dissolving in it, penetrating into it, becoming it …
#butterfly #abstractart #acrylicart #oilpainting #abstractpainting
